Date: July 27, 2023

Saravodhya India Pvt Ltd, Rajasthan, India

Recent Contract awarded by Saravodhya India Pvt Ltd. WaterNext at Ground Zero.

We are elated to share with you that we have been awarded a contract from Saravodhya India Pvt Ltd (Murarka Suitings) a leading player in the domestic suiting industry. This large process house is an existing unit and WaterNext will be upgrading the plant to a sustainable BIO MBR plant. It will be WaterNexts 2nd project in Rajasthan, India. Pranay BehlMassimiliano PrevidiPritesh Shah

After a thorough technical evaluation by their highly proficient technical promoters, they finally and aptly chose WaterNext as their partner for waste water treatment and recovery.

The plant ordered by them with us is to treat effluent with Advanced Biological system with MBR and Multi stage Reverse Osmosis for 95% maximum recovery (in the near future) for feed flow 2,800 mcd – ZLD.

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